Courage 1914 & Black Jesus Imperial Stout Recipes

Presented by Geoff: Courage 1914 & Black Jesus Imperial Stout Recipes. During our WASH meeting I dug up 2 recipes for our SOM: Courage 1914 & Black Jesus Imperial Stout Recipes.

During February’s Meeting we took a looking into the history of “Imperial Stout” BJCP #20C. For more info on that, refer to the newsletter. Here I am sharing 2 recipes.

1. Courage 1914

  • Clicking the link above sends you to brew father. Adjust for your system

Courage 1914 is a dark blackish brown and syrupy beer. Madeira, rum raisins, port, black cherries, hints of treacle and coca. Pipe tobacco and a walnut tannic drying character. A deep and rich drying finish that lingers for ages. Words do not do this beer justice….

2. Black Jesus

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Black Jesus was an original recipe from a Head Brewer friend from the Boston area who taught me a lot. I original brewed this beer just after Easter, hence the name “Black Jesus”. It’s a complex and bold beer with great balance and texture. I usually age this beer for a year plus to really mesh the flavors together added to the complexity.

Giving either of these two beers above a brew is worth while. I have no doubts you will be grateful you did and will want to continue brewing these in the years to come. I usually try to brew “Black Jesus” once a year so I always have some on hand.


